Calendar of events


KARLSRUHER UMWELTIMPULSE 2024 - CO2 und wohin damit?

Wednesday, 09 October 2024, 18:00-19:30
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
in der Kaiserstrasse 93, Karlsruhe

Eine Veranstaltungsreihe der Umweltstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe in Kooperation mit dem Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


CO2 ist in aller Munde. Es soll weniger emittiert und produziert werden, man kann es abscheiden und
sogar aus der Luft holen. Aber dann, wohin damit? Und was sind überhaupt negative Emissionen? Es
gibt Industriezweige, auf die unser Wohlstand aufbaut, und die bei der Herstellung von
Produkten CO2 erzeugen. Wie kann da der weitere Anstieg von Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre
reduziert werden. Hochaktuelle Fragen, die jeden von uns beschäftigen.


Die vierte Auflage der Karlsruher
Umweltimpulse findet am 09. Oktober, im Rahmen der Wissenswoche Mathematik, im TRIANGEL
Transfer | Kultur | Raum statt. An diesem Abend werden, nach einem einführenden Impulsvortrag,
wieder Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft darüber diskutieren, wie wir CO2-
Emissionen verringen können und wohin das abgetrennt CO2 gebracht werden kann (carbon capture
and storage). Im Anschluss an die Podiumsdiskussion können Fragen aus dem Publikum gestellt und
diskutiert werden.
Ziel der Podiumsdiskussion ist die Darstellung natürlicher und technologischer Senken und das CCS
keine gefährliche rocket science, sondern andernorts Praxis ist.


Our series of events

Climate Brain Bites

The series Climate BRAIN BITES – Knowledge for Lunch is a joint event by scientists from the KIT Center for Climate and Environment and the TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum. BRAIN BITES provides you a bite of inspiration for your lunch break. With its short, inspiring talks - from science or business to global issues - the format is aimed at everyone who wants to discover new perspectives and ideas.

Climate Lecture and Environment Lecture

Since 2011, the KIT Climate and Environment Center has been regularly organizing KIT Climate Lectures and KIT Environment Lectures on current climate and environmental topics. The lectures take place in various spaces in Karlsruhe such as the garden hall of the Karlsruhe Schloss or in the TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum. Internationally highly respected and excellent scientists are invited to every event. They prepare their topics in such a way that interested KIT colleagues as well as citizens get an insight into the perspectives and content of their respective research. Afterwards there is an opportunity to exchange ideas with the speakers.

Annual Conference KIT Climate and Environment Center with presentation of the Sparkassen-Environment-Award

As a non-profit institution under public law, Sparkasse Karlsruhe feels responsible not only to the citizens and institutions in its business area, but also to the general public beyond its business boundaries. For this reason and in agreement with the former University of Fridericiana Karlsruhe, now known as KIT, the Sparkasse Karlsruhe set up a foundation on October 29, 1979 to promote outstanding scientific work that serves the common good, in particular solutions of environmental protection problems. The annual awarding of the Sparkassen-Environment-Award by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Environmental Foundation for outstanding work related to environmentally relevant topics takes place as part of the ceremonial framework of the annual meeting of the KIT Climate and Environment Center.

Karlsruhe Environmental Impulses

A series of events organized by the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Environmental Foundation in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The Karlsruhe Environmental Impulses were launched in 2019 together with the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Environmental Foundation. Experts from science, business and politics will shed light on an annual changing topic of our time in exciting panel discussions. Following the panel discussion, questions can be asked from the audience and discussed with the experts in order to gain new ideas on environmental issues.


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