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Our Current Newsletter Issues
Here you can find the newsletters of the KIT Climate and Environment Center. The newsletters are published twice a year in German and English.
About 600 KIT staff members from more than 30 institutes are part of the KIT Climate and Environment Center. Scientific focus topics of the newsletter are Atmosphere, Water, Georesources, Ecosystems, Urban. Science, Natural Hazards and Risks, Data Science in Climate and Environmental Research and Circular Economy and Environmental Technologies.
The newsletter keeps you up to date on current topics in climate and environmental research by scientists of the KIT Climate and Environment Center as well as on current topics of the South German Climate Office.

Die Themen im Überblick:
-Grundwasser: In der Tiefe wird es warm
-Knallgasbakterien: Kohlendioxid wird Rohstoff
-Karstquellen: Zusammenhänge besser verstehen
-Grönland: Neue Naturgefahren entstehen
Overview over the Topics
-Dripstones: Climate Archive Based on Limestone
-Plastic Waste: Not as Expected
-Heat Waves: The Silent Killers
-Grace: Fine Dust Measurement Competition
Overview over the Topics
-LIFT: On the hunt for the storm
-Viticulture: New genes against salt
-Urban research at KIT
Overview over the Topics
-Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
-Looking at the history of wind power use
-Groundwater Resources
Overview over the Topics
- White Gold
- The Tonga Volcano
- Wood Stove
- The Future of the ZKU

Overview over the Topics
-Flood Desaster
-Coming with Gold
-GeoKarlsruhe 2021

Deep-sea Mining is a Highly Current Topic, but Its Roots Go Back More Than 100 Years
Polymetallic nodules, a topic of interest to German industry
from as early as more than 50 years ago.

ZKU Has Asked Itself Key Questions Regarding the Basis and Orientation of Institutional Science
To the commentary
by T. Hirth, Vice President for Transfer and International Affairs at KIT
To the commentary
Energy, Resources, Storage: Geosciences Change the World
To the commentary