Sparkassen-Environment-Prize 2024
As a non-profit institution under public law, the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Ettlingen feels responsible not only for the citizens and institutions in its business area, but also for the general public beyond its business boundaries. For this reason, and in agreement with the then University of Fridericiana Karlsruhe, the Sparkasse Karlsruhe established a foundation on 29 October 1979 to promote outstanding scientific work that serves the common good, especially the solution of environmental protection problems.
45th Announcement of the Sparkassen-Environment-Award
Sparkasse Karlsruhe has always felt a close connection not only to its customers, but also, in line with its public mandate, to the population, companies and institutions in its business area. For more than 200 years, this has also been expressed in a strong focus on the common good. For this reason, and in agreement with the then University Fridericiana Karlsruhe, Sparkasse Karlsruhe established a foundation on October 29, 1979 to promote outstanding scientific work that serves the common good, in particular the solution of environmental protection problems. In 2024, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Environmental Foundation of Sparkasse Karlsruhe will be awarding the Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis for the 45th time.
The prize is awarded for outstanding work related to environmentally relevant topics in the following categories
- Dissertations
- Master's theses.
The Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis is endowed with a total of € 15,000.
The award is announced by the KIT Center for Climate and Environment. Applications should be submitted digitally via the respective supervisors with the following attachments to the office of the KIT Center for Climate and Environment:
- Comprehensible abstract of the thesis (1 page)
- Letter of recommendation
- Endorsement of the faculty
- Expert opinion (first and, if applicable, second opinion)
- Curriculum vitae with academic career
- List of publications
- Thesis
Applicants should generally have completed their work after July 01, 2023.
Important: Please note that we ask the submitting supervisors to review two of the submitted theses.
Application deadline is July 19, 2024.
In December 2024, after a pre-selection by a selection committee, the Environmental Advisory Board of the Sparkasse Karlsruhe Environmental Foundation will decide on the awarding of the prizes. The winners will be informed at the beginning of next year. The award ceremony will take place in the summer of 2025.