The atmosphere is central to life on Earth and humans. It contains the carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and the oxygen for respiration. Despite its small proportion of mass in the Earth system, it is the most important player in the natural greenhouse effect; it distributes energy and fresh water and absorbs the short-wave ultraviolet portion of solar radiation as well as cosmic radiation.
Its physico-chemical self-cleaning power prevents life from being poisoned by gaseous pollutants. This results in the following challenges in the topic “Atmosphere and Climate”:
- The monitoring and documentation of changes in atmospheric composition at different temporal and spatial scales.
- Deepening the quantitative understanding of the atmospheric processes that underlie climate events, the atmospheric water cycle and air quality.
- Translating these insights into improved and regionally adapted forecasts for decision makers and stakeholders. The forecast horizon ranges from a few hours (severe weather warnings) to decades (climate forecasts).
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Spokesperson Topic Atmosphere
Deputy Scientific Spokesperson KIT Climate and Environment Center
+49 721 608-24865
thomas leisner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research
Department Atmospheric Aerosol Research (IMK-AAF)
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Gebäude 326
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen