The latest episodes of our current podcast series "Umwelt.wandel.wissen.nutzen."
The podcast is only available in German.
As part of the podcast series "Karlsruher Beiträge zur Klimaforschung" scientists at KIT report on their work and how it contributes to climate research. This includes observation and analysis of interrelationships in the climate system, predictions, research on climate impacts, social science context, and technical considerations.
Hosted by Joshua Bayless.
You can find all episodes and the Climate Change podcast under Podcast or here:
Climate and Environment Lectures
Since 2011, the KIT Climate and Environment Center has regularly organized KIT Climate Lectures und KIT Environment Lectures on current climate and environmental topics. Internationally highly respected and excellent scientists are invited to each event. They present their topics in such a way that interested colleagues from KIT, as well as citizens, gain insight into the perspectives and content of their respective research.Inhalte ihrer jeweiligen Forschung bekommen.

The Secret of the Clouds
Prof. Dr. Thomas Leisner
October 20, 2022

Climate Change, Scientific Assessments, and Societal Choices
Dr. Masson-Delmotte
November 5, 2019

Implementation of Decentralized Wastewater Infrastructures in Water-Scarce Regions
Prof. Müller
May 23, 2019
alle Lectures
Warum wissen wir mehr über die Sterne als unsere Umwelt? | Prof. Bárdossy | 30.6.2015 |
Brain Bites
The series BRAIN BITES - Wissen zum Mittagessen is a joint event by scientists from the KIT Climate and Environment Center and the TRIANGEL Transfer | Culture | Space. BRAIN BITES provides you with a bite of inspiration during your lunch break. The format, with its short, inspiring talks about the natural or built environment, is aimed at everyone who wants to discover new perspectives and ideas – from employees, entrepreneurs, students, young people, retirees, to science nerds. Look forward to exciting insights.
Recordings of Environment Brain Bites 2024 and Climate Brain Bites 2023 can be found here: >> Recordings <<
Bridging the GAP between Science and Policy | Saskia Knispel de Acosta (IMK-ASF, ECRA) | 10.01.24 |
An Politik von Wissenschaft: Minderungsziele für Methan und CO2 sind unterschiedlich! | Dr. Ralf Sussmann (IMK-IFU) | 15.11.23 |
Von Twister bis Wasserhose: Wo und wie entstehen Tornados? | Dr. Jannick Fischer (IMK-TRO) | 18.10.23 |
Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenbrand! Wie man UV-Strahlung vorhersagt | Valentin Hanft (IMK-ASF) | 20.09.23 |
Unter den Wolken: Wie Städte und Wälder Nebel beeinflussen | Dr. Eva Pauli (IMK-ASF) | 12.07.23 |
Saskia Knispel de Acosta (IMK-ASF, ECRA)

Factsheet: The climate impact of methane - an underestimated danger!

Brochure: Our Work
"Forschung für eine lebenswerte Zukunft"

Brochure: 10 Years of the KIT Climate and Environment Center