About Us

This is us
The content matters of the KIT Climate and Environment Center are managed by the Steering Committee of the ZKU and other dedicated members. Here you will find all contact persons of the KIT Climate and Environment Center.
Portrait | Name | Function | Tel. | |
Meo Colombo, Sabrina | Assistant KIT Climate and Environment Center | +49 721 608-25541 | sabrina meocolombo ∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |
Hennrich, Kirsten | Managing Director KIT Climate and Environment Center | +49 721 608-28592 | kirsten hennrich ∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |
Gerçe Wolff, Berna | Executive Assistant KIT Climate and Environment Center | +49 721 608-28594 | berna wolff ∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |
Hilgers, Christoph | Scientific Spokesperson | +49 721 608-42139 | scientific spokesperson ∂does-not-exist.zku kit edu |
Associated institutes
As the Center for Climate and Environment we work together with many different institutes at KIT. You can find the list of institutes here
Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology CEDIM
The Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM) is an interdisciplinary research center of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the field of disaster management. The main goal of CEDIM is to advance our scientific understanding of natural and man-made hazards, and to develop disaster management solutions for the early detection and reduction of the related risks.
South German Climate Office
South German Climate Office
The South-German Climate Office is an interface between research and society, which supplies information on climate aspects in a competent and understandable manner. Work is based on the expertise of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where several institutes conduct fundamental and applied climate research, and on the expertise of several associated institutions. The regional focus lies on South Germany. Major topics covered are regional climate modeling, trends of extreme weather events, such as strong rain, and hail, and aspects of energy generation and water management. The South-German Climate Office is one of four regional climate offices of the Helmholtz Association that have a regional and thematic focus each. Since 2009, the South-German Climate Office has been part of the KIT Climate and Environment Center.
Environmental Foundation of the Sparkasse Karlsruhe
Über 200 Jahre Verantwortung
Verantwortung für das Allgemeinwohl zu übernehmen, ist seit ihrer Gründung vor über 200 Jahren ein Leitgedanke der Sparkasse Karlsruhe. Ein Ausdruck dafür ist ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement, das sich in ihren vier Stiftungen konzentriert. Deren älteste ist die Umweltstiftung, die eine Brücke zwischen der Sparkasse, der Gesellschaft und der Universität Karlsruhe, dem heutigen KIT, schlägt.
Forschen für die Welt von morgen - Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis
Es gibt viele Wege, um sich für Umwelt und Klima einzusetzen. Ein besonders erfolgversprechender und nachhaltiger Weg ist die Forschung in umweltrelevanten Bereichen. Der Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis würdigt daher neben der wissenschaftlichen Leistung den Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit.
Bereits zum 42. Mal haben die Umweltstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe und das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 2024 den Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis für hervorragende Abschlussarbeiten mit Bezug auf umweltrelevante Themen ausgelobt.
Der Preis in Höhe von insgesamt 15.000 Euro wird in den Kategorien „Dissertationen sowie Diplomarbeiten und Masterarbeiten“ vergeben. Die Ausschreibung erfolgt über das KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt.
Von Karlsruhe in die Welt - Karlsruher Umweltimpulse
„Karlsruher Umweltimpulse“ ist der Titel der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe, welche die Umweltstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe in Kooperation mit dem Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) ins Leben gerufen hat.
Eine Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu schlagen, das Engagement für die Umwelt zu fördern und zukunftsweisende Impulse für den Umweltschutz zu setzen – das sind grundlegende Ziele der Umweltstiftung seit ihrer Gründung vor über 40 Jahren.
Erstmals wurde nun eine Veranstaltungsreihe vom KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt gemeinsam mit der Umweltstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe initiiert, die der bisherigen Fördertätigkeit der Umweltstiftung eine neue Dimension verleiht.
Area IV - Natural and Built Environment
Area IV - Natural and Built Environment: Head of Department Prof. Dr. Johannes Orphal
In Area IV - Natural and Built Environment, knowledge about a changing Earth is generated, taught, and applied. This includes natural processes and developments as well as human-induced changes and their impacts. Research, teaching, and innovation are concentrated on strategic topics across more than 30 institutes, spanning the fields of architecture, civil engineering, geosciences, environmental sciences, meteorology, and climate science. The scientists in Area IV research, develop, and teach local, regional, and global solutions for a sustainable future. The teaching and academic affairs of Area IV are organized within the KIT faculties of Architecture and Civil, Geo, and Environmental Engineering, while the large-scale research activities are conducted within the framework of the Helmholtz Program "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future."
Further information can be found on the website of Area IV.
GreenTech BW
GreenTech BW - The platform for green competences from Baden-Württemberg
"GreenTech BW" is the platform that bundles expertises in the field of environmental technologies: This is where companies, start-ups, scientific institutions, ministries, organisations and other multipliers come together. Together, we can speed up the national and international realisation of GreenTech projects and shape a sustainable future.
Environmental technologies are an important part of our future - for a sustainable economy, but also for a healthy climate and an intact environment. In Baden-Württemberg, the GreenTech sector provides jobs for over 212,000 people (as of 2021) and, with a share of 3.3 % of all employees in the overall economy, is comparable to other key sectors in the state such as mechanical engineering (4.7 %) or vehicle construction (3.8 %).
To further strengthen the industry, the GreenTech BW platform is constantly evolving. It is currently being set up: More than 350 companies are already presenting their technologies to an international audience in the GreenTech BW Atlas. Industry studies and market analyses enable you to make well-founded strategic decisions. In the future, there will also be a variety of offers available that will make it possible to exchange ideas with players in the industry, deepen your own knowledge or find out about the latest trends.
Please follow the link for further informations.
Helmholtz Programme Atmosphere and Climate (ATMO)
The aim of the Atmosphere and Climate Programme (ATMO) is to to better understand the atmosphere in the climate system. To this end, scientists are pursuing complex measurements of atmospheric parameters and laboratory tests and numerical modelling of processes that play an important role in the atmosphere play.
Research approaches include high-resolution satellite measurements of tropospheric trace substances, studies on the role of the middle atmosphere in the climate system, the variability of biogenic emissions and the use of atmospheric water isotopes for better understanding of the water cycle.
The programme is divided into four themes:
- Clouds and weather research
- Land surface processes in the climate system
- Tropospheric trace substances and their transformation processes
- Composition and dynamics of the upper troposphere and middle atmosphere
The website of the Helmholtz Programme Changing Earth can be found here.
More information about ATMO can be read here.